St Nicholas Burrus is my name, and I am from Southern California. I am an expert in healthcare administration, organizational leadership, organizational theory, and organizational analysis. My key objective in my job is to assist in the expansion of document management solutions into one of the largest areas. The American Council on Education has named me Student of the Year. Los Angeles, along with Bakersfield, is where I spend the most of my time.
Following my heart transplant, I returned to school and earned my bachelor's degree before continuing on to earn my master's. I worked and attended school full time during my rehabilitation. Additionally, I achieved the same result while enrolled in a Master's degree by enrolling in three classes every term rather than the standard one. I earned a 4.0 grade point average while attending the University of Maine at Presque Isle. Currently, I am pursuing a doctorate in healthcare administration.
I adore a variety of things. I fantasize about traveling the world. I have spent so much time concentrating on myself and my work that this has taken a back seat. I like discovering new people, new locations, and new cultures, which translates nicely into my interest in and expertise in organizational theory.
I am a dog person. Alaska was perhaps my favorite place I have ever visited. I grew raised between Central and Southern California and the magnificent state of New Mexico, on the Navajo Nation's border. Discussing my passions is challenging, as I am a lifelong learner. I enjoy documentaries, reading novels, and am a huge fan of science fiction.