Director of Application Support
oct 2021 aug 202210 months
Solutions Engineer
Stria, LLC
While working at Stria, LLC, I gained a wealth of technical knowledge and perspectives on how organizational structures function. This role will enable me to more precisely define customer demands and to leverage my educational experience to guarantee that our advancements and client needs incorporate a 360-degree perspective. Clients always come first, and nothing less than the finest is ever provided. -
sep 2020 oct 20211 year 1 month
Information Systems Support Specialist
Stria, LLC
I made a lateral transfer from Quality Assurance Coordinator to Information Systems Support Specialist in the MDS-Production team. This enables me to be a jack of all trades and work on all parts of Stria, LLC. This allows me to gain experience in a variety of jobs while concentrating on the technical aspect. -
apr 2018 sep 20202 years 6 months
Quality Assurance Coordinator
Stria, LLC
Specializing in data informatics, medical imaging, and quality assurance while assisting in the management of a 100-person team. I spend the most of my day devising new solutions. We develop innovative automations to improve our quality. Additionally, I spend a significant amount of time with Smartsheet. -
may 2015 apr 20182 years 10 months
Project Coordinator
Stria, LLC
Proven leader of an unseen team that contributes to the transformation of lives; many lives of individuals who will never learn of my contribution to their records. Each day, I get the opportunity to assist patients and companies with contracts, medical records, and employee records. At Stria, I work with a lot of software and technology. I have worked directly on projects for big hospitals as well as smaller community hospitals and medical clinics in the Bakersfield, California region. I am capable of quickly recognizing and classifying any medical paper. I have worked on various contract digitizing projects outside of the medical profession. -
feb 2015 may 20154 months
Document Management Specialist I
Stria, LLC
Started from the ground up scanning newly prepared content at a fast rate of speed into a capture program. From capture through quality assurance, only the finest quality images are retained for optimum readability. Data input for hospital procedures, contract indexing, and overall correctness. Promoted to Coordinator, with the responsibility of leading a team within a few months. -
nov 2007 nov 201710 years
Advanced wiki editing in wiki syntax is used to generate new material, moderate previous contributions to ensure they adhere to site standards, assist others, answer queries, seed new content, fix page names, and repair/reset account. I retain the job, albeit my involvement on the network has dwindled in recent months. AboutUs sparked my interest in technology. Throughout the 2010s, AboutUs was the world's largest wiki.